
It's me! Rss!

It's Complicated (Law)

I'm an elder millennial. While my dad did have a green-text-on-black-screen computer/suitcase when I was little, I was blissfully unaware of the internet for my earliest years. Alas, I quickly succumbed to the modem's siren song

I'm a chemical engineer by degree (#CleanEnergy) and would love to get back to engineering. I have struggled to find such a path. I do computer, analytic, and people stuff in the legal field now

I love music. My main instrument is guitar/bass, but I'm semi-decent at piano! I taught myself drums, as drummers, at my musical heights, were difficult to find. My drumming has been called "good enough".

I can noodle a little on related instruments like banjo or marimba and I like a good DAW. I would very much like to play more, but life happened and I just don't have the opportunities I once had. As musical friends moved, or I moved, I haven't made new ones

I like to improvise, because I'm not very good at memorizing songs. I write when the mood strikes. I'm much better as a supporting player/song-writer, though.